Connected Beginnings is an initiative funded by the Australian Government to prepare Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children for school. The program supports both children from birth to school age and pregnant women. It aims to close the gap in school readiness and education outcomes between First Nations children and non-Indigenous children.
In Port Hedland, Julyardi Aboriginal Corporation & HASL is the backbone organisation chosen to integrate services that support pregnant Kariyarra women, and their children from birth to school age. Our goal is to increase children and families’ engagement with early childhood, maternal, child health and family support services, while ensuring the children’s safety, health and readiness to thrive at school by age five.
What a privilege was to be invited by SNAICC to present a workshop on Cultural Governance and Leadership in Hedland by our Elders and Directors, Maureen MK Kelly JP OAM and Raylene Button. The session shared the story of the Hedland Aboriginal Strong Leaders and Julyardi Aboriginal Corporation as an example of cultural governance and leadership in Hedland/Pilbara to inspire other organisations. The Conference provided a great space to learn, listen and yarn about our communities and peoples.
We want to thank the Turrbal Tribe for welcoming us in their Country, SNAICC for the opportunity, and Telethon Kids for partnering with us in this project. We are already looking forward to the next one.